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For the dying person

A dying person exhibits the signs of both the inner and outer death. During the moment of dying, the best possible way to benefit dying is to have an accomplished Lam, Monk, Nun or a Lay practitioners near him/her to give and lead through Transference of Conscious (Phowa).

Reciting dharani of guru Rinpoche and avalokitesvara, supplication of Zhabdrung or Bardo Soeldep (intermediate prayers) closer or into the ears of dying person will help them through the intermediate stage.

The least people around could do are avoid crying, screaming and holding onto the dying person. Quiet and peaceful surroundings will be paramount importance as the soul leaves the body.

In brief, the family left behind shouldn’t create an ambiance for the dying person to possess attachment, anger/hatred, ignorance, pride/ ego, zealousness rather help focus their faith/devotion, renunciation and Bodhichita nature.

Referred the book “guidelines to benefit the deceased” by Khenpo Nima Shar
while writing this post.

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