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Things needed to be done right after death

When a person dies the outer breath ceases to respire but the inner continue for a while. The inner breath is believed to last for four momentary Phenomena. Though the heats of the body are exhausted, chest and armpits remains warm. During those moments one should avoid disturbing/touching the body but cover with white clothes.

As the inner breathe ceases to take breaths, the body of the dead person to position/arrange either in Lotus or Cross Position and the legs in Vajra/normal sitting posture.

It will be a greater accomplishment for the dead and the living if the dying person’s family could set position the body in aforementioned posture. The reasons in general are believed to be that the dying will be blessed and fit for #BudhhaDharma practice and also attain perfect body to practice #Vajrayana in next life.

The #Lotus #Mudra signifies the respect and devotion to all the accomplished #masters and also connotes reverence to the Lama performing funeral rites at the cremation ground through the practice of #Buddha #Akshobhya.

Burning #Tagdrol and #Vajra #Guru dharani while burning the corpse will gather lots of merits for the dead. It is believed that burning “Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Sidhi Hung” during funerals will help the dead attain #Mahasukha the great paradise.

Tagdrol Phungpo Rangdrol:
It’s a text Talisman that is to place on body without separation until it’s burnt together with corpse during cremation. It is believed that the mere touch of the text onto the body would close door to lower realms and also assist in attaining Nirvana.

Please visit this link FST has on Takdrol: https://www.facebook.com/FuneralServiceThimphu/photos/a.603066963177765/1490240811127038/?type=3&theater

Referred the book “Guidelines to benefit the deceased”by Khenpo Nima Shar while writing this post.

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